Wednesday, July 10, 2024

luncheon for a michigander flying home

"That's incorrect. Cathy Mac is driving there."

Okay, you got me. I was going for the pun about geese and ganders, but, no.

"My bad, dearie! Carry on, it's all good! What's up with the photo?"

We had a farewell luncheon with her at Sweet Potatoes. I still think of this location as being Toucan Cafe, but it hasn't been called that for a few years. I'm glad they kept much of the art that had been at Sweet Potatoes when it was on Waters. This painting has long been one of my favorites!

"I see by your plate that you had some other favorites while there! Nice!"

Yes, those lemon collard greens and the Brussels sprouts are definitely faves! And the baked sweet potato as dessert to go along with the meal - very nice. But I did try something different this time: Hot and Sour Garlic Pickles. You know what they reminded me of?

"The Garlic Cucumbers at E-TANG?"

Exactly! They certainly weren't spicy, and they weren't quite as garlic-infused, but they certainly were tasty. Lea had the veggie platter, too, naturally, and her choices were all different from mine!

"Oh, how nice that the vegetarian was there! It's been a while since you've spent time with her. Who else was there?"

Cathy Mac, of course, as the person being honored. Plus, Yvonne, Donna, Lea, The 'Cole, and me. Six of us. I guess that made this a doctor appointment!

"Hahahaha! That's a funny meme!"

Yeah, the joke about "all appointments being doctor appointments when you have a PhD" popped up on my fb page as a memory of my BFF's post. I guess it would be to the sixth power for this luncheon! Oh, that reminds me of a story about one of Lea's students. The student actually thought that to get rid of an exponent on a number that was squared you would divide by 2!!! I laughed out loud when she said that! Just blew my mind!

"Oh, wow. That's pretty bad. And she deals with students who are chemistry majors."

I tell you what, it made me glad to not be teaching, that's what it did. Truly! I left that luncheon convinced that I had done the right thing by retiring before the pandemic. Having to deal with students who got their high school diplomas by Zoom just isn't the way I'd want to be spending my time.

"Heard that. Whoa, isn't that the farewell card you got for Cathy?"

Yes, it is. I forgot it, but she made sure we all have her new address. So, by the time she gets to East China, my missive will be awaiting her.

"Wait... east China... is that a joke?"

Nope! It's an actual town in that state shaped like a mitten! Go figure!

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