Tuesday, July 23, 2024

not in canvas anymore - lol!

That's the punchline on the meme posted by Bob Bueling on fb!

The Blue Boy and Mona Lisa are looking around, clearly in a modern city scene.
(Now, there's a May-December couple if ever there was one, as they are more than 250 years apart in age.)
Taxi cabs and delivery trucks rumble past.
Then he looks at her and says:
"I guess we're not in canvas anymore."
I'm not in Orlando anymore, either.
Not that the temperatures there last week were any different than the ones here in this seaport.
See that high of 91?
Be sure to add 12 degrees for the heat index due to humidity.
Yowsah, yowsah, yowsah.
And yet, I still managed to mow the front yard.
See the huge difference between the levels within that spiral walkway and its walls?
That's with the Ryobi on its next to lowest setting, not the lowest, as the grass was so thick it still almost choked out the device.

I got quite a workout pushing that mower, even using the higher setting.

And here's the worst part: it's barely been three weeks since the last mowing.

I waited until just after 7 PM to begin, too, as it was crazy hot at 4 PM.
See what I mean?
Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun... and I qualify as neither of those.
That's what I told the two neighbors out walking when they paused to tell me how smart I was to wait until the sun was off the yard.
I told them the line was from a poem, but it's more than that: it's from a poem set to music.
We call those "songs".
Now, I have a free pizza - let's say that's the Garden Vegetable one - and a discounted 3-item - with pepperoni, pineapple, and banana peppers - awaiting me after a shower.
So glad I had ten bucks in Papa John "dough" to spend on these!
So glad that "A Quiz With Balls" will soon be on!
So glad it's Tina Tuesday!

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