Monday, July 22, 2024

finally back to life!

I left the thermostat on the little air conditioner in the dining room set at 86 F when I left on the 13th for Hinesville.

Yesterday, when I finally returned from vacation, a sad sight awaited me.
My aging peace lily was totally limp, though not yet brown.
Quickly, I'd given it half a bottle of water I had on the kitchen counter!
Then, I waited.

Five hours later, signs of life were slowly returning.
Still, though, the plant clearly struggled to hold up its leaves after going thirsty so long.
I gave it another cup of room-temperature water, then turned off the lights.
Time for me, and it, to rest and recover overnight.
The next morning, after I'd had coffee, I gave it another cup of room-temperature water, this time with a tiny amount of the decaf coffee still in the pot.
Afterward, I went about my day, even going to an afternoon matinee of "Twisters".

And just now, when I stopped to chat with my dear peace lily and to apologize again for leaving it without care, it was back to life, with its leaves held high and happy!
I do so love this forgiving plant.

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