Sunday, July 28, 2024

aftermath... (she would have loved that pun)

Today, I drafted a message to people who knew Barbara Nixon, to let them know.
The news has not yet released names, but it's only a matter of time before they do.
I thought it would be better to hear it from me than a TV screen.
I called our friend Lauri, who I'd just seen, to let her know.
After all, she had called me when Christa had died.
We were on the phone two hours.
That was good.
For Barbara's MENSA friends - Cedric Stratton, Susan Daggett, Bonnie Blue and Don Jarvis - I sent an email, along with my phone number.
I also sent emails to Patrick and Sarah Young (from JAVAflix Savannah days), now in Jacksonville; Tomasz Warchol of CinemaSavannah; our theatre friend, Kaye Kennebrew; Barbara's movie pal, Brenda Shermer.
I'll have to contact Kristin Stout on fb, or call her, but that can wait for tomorrow.
I'm exhausted.
Here's my message to them.
"Barbara has died.
Actually, both she and the man (Kaloyan Hariskov) she has been tending to since his hip surgery in early May were both found dead in his house on Thursday morning.
The police had been called there for a "wellness check".
The police do not expect anyone else was involved in their deaths by gun.
I found out yesterday when I drove to Kal's house to see if Barbara's car was there, as none of us had heard from her on Thursday.
I am sure we will none of us truly know what went on there.
I do know that the relationship between Barbara and Kal had become very strained about a month ago when it became clear that Kal had re-injured his repaired hip and would have to again go through the surgery and recovery process.
Such a sad situation..."   
Such a sad situation.

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