Friday, July 12, 2024

mercury rockets again?

Yes, indeed.

When I saw this scene in the movie this afternoon, so many memories flooded in!

What a fabulous pre-school week that had been in Florida!

It was 2017 and I had decided to explore the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral.

Two trips I made out there from Kissimmee, spending the entire afternoon there each time, and meeting two astronauts as well!

The rain every day hadn't dampened my plans one whit.


But the scene in the photo I sneaked and took reminded me of a query I put on fb.

I had been treated to a grand view of that very site at lunch one day.

I had expected some good replies to my question about Cuban sandwiches in a Rocket Garden, knowing folks would get the history reference.

Yes, such a good memory!

That wasn't the only one as I watched "Fly Me To The Moon", either.

I absolutely loved the scenes with the tour guide showing folks the cool stuff out there, including the alligators basking in the sun by the road.

That's all true!

Part of that area is a wildlife preserve that's carefully tended.

I'll say this: it sure made me want to see Cape Canaveral again!

And a highlight was hearing Woody Harrelson singing that old song as he stumble-danced through the parking lot.

Very nice!

This is definitely one I'd like to see again!

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