Thursday, July 18, 2024

how to party like a local in Orlando, una vez mas!


Off northward again, as we had been on Monday!
This time, we were headed to the Orlando Museum of Art, following a red-brick road!
No need for tickets, either, as we happened to be in town for the free monthly "Art For All" day, like the Jepson has.
That meant the two little blondes could make art!
Christina even took part in the mosaic workshop led by Cherie Bosela - very nice!
Not I, though.
I took advantage of their hands-on art time for an adventure of my own: exploring new exhibits!
Before I reached any, this lovely 20-yearr-old piece from Dave Chihuly bade me pause in its "Citron and Cobalt Tower" glory...
Even the shadow cast by it was photo-worthy!
The "Florida Prize In Contemporary Art" exhibit lay straight ahead in Galleries D through H.
This giant tiger on canvas occupied an entire room!
Hai Vin used twenty gallons of paint - wow - to create the beast in the style of pointillism, so he must be amazingly patient.
And that large boulder on the tail of the piece?
That's to keep it "pulled from sky to earth" - wow.
Impressive as those were, they were dwarfed by this massive one from Sheila Goloborotko!
I kept the stranger in the photo to emphasize the sheer size of "Now Our Minds Are One" - wow.
Like "katniss", this was constructed of shapes cut from colored plastic and strung as mobile art.
Unlike that favorite piece, this one was a celebration of animals and plants and included some human creations, too, with silvery sperm swimming on the white platform.
I was fascinated by the light play, in the air, on the walls, stretching out along the floor.
I must have spent at least twenty minutes there.
And when I ventured away, I discovered that the artist was talented in other styles, with other materials!
Everything - and I do mean everything - in this area of the gallery belonged to her, from that gorgeous mobile construction of plastic and wire to the crafted metal objects and daguerreotypes on these blocks and the walls.

Those other pieces were part of her "me/you" exhibit inspired by her struggles with her then-16-year-old daughter.
Time to see some other artists!
After an hour, my two little blondes had completed their compositions and were ready to join back up with me!
I had them pose with their creations - don't they look like budding artists?
Chloe wanted her mosaic to be part of a bracelet, hence the ribbon she's holding.
Miyah has more experience with design.
I get to enjoy one of her earlier artworks with my morning coffee from time to time.
How about perking up their enthusiasm for art with a visit to another gigantic piece?
I very much enjoyed this colorful wigwam!
Constructed of huge blocks of fabric, there was even a sign that bade visitors to come on inside - so we did!
And see the message there in the center?
"Kuna Matata", no doubt a reference to the song from "The Lion King"!
Njeri, the student artist from a Swahili-speaking country in Africa who designed the structure, probably grew up with that movie from 1994!
Wondering where my first niece was?
She was enjoying the art, too!
I don't know what it was about that painting that urged her to take a photo of it, as I was busy with the Chlo.
I do know she's posted it on fb from our visit today.
Very cool!
And her she is again, this time with both girls.
This display would have been right at home at the Jepson during its annual PULSE technology exhibit!
We watched all of the 8-minute, 9-second video as Kate Gilmore created "Blood From A Stone", moving heavy squares full of white paint onto those white shelves on the wall.

That's art which would be different every time she crafted it!
I had kept up a running patter throughout the video and was pleased that the girls watched so intently.

Of course they did!

It was a TV screen!!!

LOL! Okay, time for some lunch!

Off to Cici's on 192, back in our neck of the woods!
Why there and not somewhere else?

I'd gone to GOVX and purchased an "Eat and Play Orlando" card to get discounts - like the locals! - on various restaurants and fun activities, like this place right here!
Our card granted us a 30% discount on our tickets, so that was a sweet deal, especially right there by the pizza joint.
Here, the two little blondes were waiting for Christina's ball to emerge from under the bridge on the Gold Nugget course.

See the ball, there on the right?
She knocked it into the hole with the next stroke.
Miyah and Chloe had never played mini-golf before, and they struggled with trying to hold the putter the way we showed them.
They were still pretty good at making it into the holes in five strokes or less!
New vacation with a new experience!
Note to self: This was not a game to be played in the midday heat.
They're off to the pool at Orbit One now.
I'm just "chillin' like a villain" after four cups of water.
Hey, the physicist will get that joke.


Christina said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. It was nice reliving that week. <3

faustina said...

Thank you, my dearest first niece! I know that part of the reason I write is so that I can return to this ether beach and relive those moments.