Tuesday, July 30, 2024

and the dragon warrior says to the master...

"So, should I stop talking?"

Resignedly, Shifu replied, "if you can."

Anyone who knew Barbara Nixon knows what a nonstop chatterbox she could be.
If she had been at "Kung Fu Panda" with me, we would have spent a minimum of thirty minutes standing in the parking lot of the cinema, with me getting an occasional word in when she paused for a breath.
That could be rather aggravating at times, but, as we both live alone, I would allow her to get her pent-up need to talk out of her system.
A listening ear was all she required of me.
I got that... and I "got" that.
I'm so glad I came to this movie this morning.
It was exactly what I needed.
Now, I'm going to do a little loss adjustment at the Purple Planet.
Mindless physical exertion, accompanied by music, is what they give me, when I need to put my thoughts on hold for a while.
"There are no accidents," Oogway always said.
I have been where I needed to be.
Right place, right time.
i thank You, God.

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