Monday, July 29, 2024

luncheon of comfort and joy

Right place, right time.
I had almost called to cancel our luncheon, but hesitated.
I didn't want to have to say the words out loud about Barbara and Kal's deaths.
I had already spoken them to Lauri and Lynn, as well as to Kristin.
I had already sent numerous emails with those words to so many.
I had already sent so many texts to Sandy and Carolyn.
I needed a break.
So, I showed up at Houlihan's, as already scheduled...
and this "Summer Tree" greeted me.
She and I talked about so many things!
Her book about her time in Ghana as a teen is now under review with the publisher!
She is in process of moving all from her house to her new office, as her counseling business has been sold to her partner!
Both of those changes, as well as her bird-feeder invention, will provide revenue streams well into the future for Buddy Watch and the shelter for homeless veterans.
She also told me that her son, Michael, the impetus behind her creation of Buddy Watch, has gotten married, though time will tell how that turns out.
I told her about my trip to Kissimmee, but she could tell something was off.
After all, she's known me since high school.
She knows when the smile is reaching my eyes, and can tell when it stays only on my lips.
So, as we were finishing our meal, she asked what was up...
and I told her all of it, from the words I'd said to Carolyn to the
rehashing while notifying friends Barbara and I had in common.
She wondered why the police did not have yellow tape out front to mark
the homicide scene, but she listened intently.
Then, she reassured me, as Jeff and Christina had, that there was 
no call for guilt on my part for my glib slip of the tongue.
And we talked about Barbara's decade-long infatuation with the SCAD
philosophy professor and about her continual insistence for three years
that she would take care of him when he finally had the hip surgery.
And we talked about Kal's narcissistic need for a live audience for his 
classes, how he had detested having to teach by ZOOM this summer,
how depressed he was at the thought of having to do so again in fall.
And we talked about both of my friends having owned guns.
A momentary lapse of reason, with forever consequences.
Does it matter which fired their weapon first?
Does it matter whether it was murder-suicide or double homicide?
Both are dead, both are dead from gunshot.
The thing to keep in mind, though, is as my first niece said:
"The last ten minutes of their story is far less important than
the rest of their story."
Jo agreed.
i thank You, God, for these wise women in my life.

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