Sunday, July 7, 2024

comcast summer of movies festival!

So far, the cable company has given me four movies to pass the hot summer days with, each granted to me on a Monday, each mine to keep - digitally, of course.
The first was "Forrest Gump", a tromp through history.
Next was "Harry Potter And The Sorceror's Stone", the introduction to the saga of the boy with the wizarding mark on his forehead.
Third to grace my Element was "The LEGO Movie", which I totally love!!!
Then came "The Dark Knight", which is probably my least favorite in the tales about Batman. It is, however, the first movie where I was conscious of a dead man on the screen. So many people liked Heath Ledger as the Joker, but Jack Nicholson is still my favorite in the role.

Last Monday's gift was "Twister", which I just watched.
It had two dead men acting.
The guy on the left is Philip Seymour Hoffman, who died the same way as Ledger: by his own hand, with a drug overdose.
Hoffman was only 46, Ledger was 28, and both left behind children.
The man on the right is Bill Paxton.
He died after surgery to repair heart valve damage and an aortic aneurysm; the surgeon botched the job, damaging his carotid artery.
Paxton was 61; his two children were grown.
I had loved him in "Tombstone" and also in this one with Helen Hunt.
It was a surprise how much of this 1996 movie I remembered!
Thanks, Comcast, for the treats!

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