Sunday, July 21, 2024

back to home, in Hinesville and in Savannah

This was my view for most of the ride.

It's pretty cool, isn't it?

This bumblebee decal is rather like the cubist mirror once part of the Jepson museum.

She'd put it on the windshield to entertain the girls, but that likely hadn't engaged their attention for long.

How could it possible compete with lit phone screens?

Fortunately, I lack that addiction.

Oh, yes, and I am easily entertained.


Between sing-alongs with the music on various channels of Siri, with various accompanists, and chatting with my first niece, we were out of Florida fairly quickly, it seemed.

That above photo was taken at 2:02 PM, shortly after crossing the Georgia state line.

I know: we should have been almost to her place.

Hey, not with two little girls on the ride!

Our pitstop at MacDonald's had taken over an hour.

Still, we arrived just in time for the low country boil awaiting us at Michael's house - hooray!


That gave me a chance to talk with Melinda and Matt!

True, it hasn't been that long since I saw them, but I always enjoy their company.

I didn't get to spend much time with the twins, but I did get to have a visit with Michael!

Even better, I talked him into taking that exerbike off my hands... and out of the back seat of my car!

The security guard at the church auction had placed it there for me, but I couldn't handle it by myself.

Now, either he'll use it or he'll sell it during their upcoming yard sale - either way, I'm done with it.


Now, to try to restore my peace lily.

Poor, thirsty, plant...

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