Saturday, July 20, 2024

highlight for two little blondes: the pools!

Friday and Saturday

I truly do wonder if the girls would have been just as happy to hang out by the pools every day rather than go off to do things.
Friday began with them off to the pool with Christina.
Yep, first thing in the morning, and they stayed for two hours.
For lunch, we dined at Olive Garden.
And guess what we did upon our return to Orbit One?
We all four of us got into our swimsuits and headed out to the "quiet and peaceful pool", as Miyah dubbed it.
Yes, me, too.
Unfortunately, that was not meant to be.
The pools had to be cleaned after some earlier kids mistook them for the bathrooms...
so, we waited for them to re-open.
The very moment they did, we headed to the "big and noisy" pool, as I dubbed it.
Chloe and Miyah just loved the two slides there!
Not I, nor was I fond of being in a packed pool with a bunch of strangers, right?
So, in deference to me, we returned to the smaller pool for our last day's swim.
Well, they swam, not me.

I danced to the music of my youth coming out of the surrounding speakers!

And, yes, they all swam, including Chloe, first with her water wings, then without.

Miyah was very helpful at teaching her sister!

I was quite proud of both of them!

After nearly two hours of the girls trying their very best to transform into mermaids, we were done.
Time for showers!
Time for hair to be washed free of chlorine!
Time for one last load of laundry!
Lunch break!
Surprisingly, the girls had dressed in matching tops - how very Dr. Seussian of them!!!
Then Thing 1 and Thing 2 had a ticklefest with Mom!
Time for Mom to have some quiet time.
"Let's go play golf!", they asked me.
Sure, we can do that!
So we walked up to the office and signed out the two putters and balls and off we went!
Yeah, that was good for about 15 minutes.
"It's hot. Let's go back in," they said.
I told them we were going to play outside for the same amount of time that we had been out for the pool.
By gosh, by golly, so we were!
They played on the two hammocks, something Chloe especially enjoyed.
They slid and climbed on the playground set.
One of Miyah's vacation pals came out and she played mini-golf with her for a while as I chatted with her mom and Chloe tried to play with the brother.
We ate the popcorn we'd gotten at the office and went to the ice machine at the small pool.
Then outside time was up, time to go in at last...
ah, but first we had to return the golf stuff.
Dinner was leftovers from the fridge.
Christina even created something new: garlic bread pizza, using the sketti sauce from last night and the shredded cheese from the Taco Salad the night before.
Plus, we had to finish off the ice cream, too!
None of that would make the trip home, right?

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