Friday, July 26, 2024

friday fiesta, sans kamerons

"Without any of them? Not even Mark?"

Nope! They were all up in north Georgia for a wedding of a nephew. A nephew! And both Jimmy and Mark were going to have to wear tuxedos, although they're uncles, not his father.

"It's an evening wedding then?"

It is. 

"Those are fancy by default."

I understand that, but why would uncles have to wear tuxes, when they aren't part of the wedding party? 

"I think Mary answered that question. Betsy had bought a fancy dress, so the menfolk had to dress up, too."

I guess.  

"Well, it must have been good to see your brothers for the second time this week..."

That it was! I'd gone with Tony and Laura for the "At The Movies" at their church, and Smitty and Mary showed up, too. This time, we were there early and saved seats for them! 

'And what movie had been used for the sermon this time?"

It was "Bridge Of Spies", the one where Tom Hanks played the lawyer of a Russian spy, all based on a true story from 1957. The title doesn't make any sense until the end of the movie, but that's okay. The minister tied in the message, "every life matters", voiced by the lawyer and echoed in the Bible story of Jesus dying to save the lives of all. Quite well done.

"Such a good movie that was! And what was the one from last week, while you were gone?"

Listen to this: they used "It's A Wonderful Life"!!! I would have loved to see what the preacher did with that one! I do so love that one! You know, Mama would have been ten years old when that Christmas movie debuted. Cool fact.

"Very nice! Well, I'm so glad you've had so much time with family this week!"

Yes, me, too. I tried to get two of mi amigas - Barbara and Carolyn - to come with me for a new Susan Sarandon chick-flick, but I never heard from the first one, and the other had plans. I knew Sandy had her psych appointment, so I didn't bother her. Hopefully the movie will last more than a week, but "I Can See Clearly Now" that it probably won't.

"Hahaha! Yeah, it was nice to have that song featured twice in the little movie. Right time, right place, for me. There's always next week to get together with your g'friends!"

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