Friday, November 18, 2022

a different kind of day

Even a day with nothing going on still counts as something different for me.
I was supposed to be going for lunch with Aunt Barbara in Glenville.
I called her to say that would have to be postponed.
As I told her, my car doesn't heat up for at least thirty minutes and that was too much time in the cold for me, as it was at least 1 1/2 hours' drive to her house.
I don't know that she quite believed me, but she accepted my excuse.
Hey, it was around 40 degrees outside when I called her at 9 AM, with a high of the low 50's forecast for the day.
No, I was not leaving the house to spend that kind of time in the cold.
Wednesday is to be in the upper 60's, so that's our new date.
I did open the front door, albeit briefly, for the mail, only to find another bill for the mammogram I had in May.
So, back on the phone to the Community Care National Network.
Half an hour with them, only to find that Charleston Community Care had still not completed what was needed.
So, another half hour with someone in Charleston, but, of course, it was 4 PM and they'd already closed for the day, but at least I got the name of the woman in charge of their Community Care section.
That task will have to wait for next week.
I decided to look up the election results and see what was going on.
What did I find?
First off, having two candidates whose last names both began with "W" seemed to have been a point of confusion for some voters.
Secondly, having both of those candidates being black men further confused.
The hotly contest race for Governor went without a hitch, as it was between a white Republican man and a black Democrat woman. 
No confusion there.
Now the Senate seat is still up for grabs and a runoff election will follow Thanksgiving.
Great, more rabid political 'mercials mingled with holiday offerings on TV.
I texted mi amigas about the new French movie in town.
Might they be interested in seeing it tomorrow?
Barbara and Carolyn both texted back eventually; they had just seen it.
Sandy texted to say she didn't know anything about the movie.
Hey, at least I'm not the only one being left out by the roommates.
I had one other item on my agenda today.
It was a free film from AARP MFG, one that the Lucas Theatre recently screened.
I ended up 'walking out' of "Gratitude Revealed" after thirty minutes.
Apparently, that was for folks who need help recognizing what happiness is.
That's a pretty sad situation... so I left.
So, that turned out to be something different after all!
Now, what's on TV?

1 comment:

faustina said...

All that time spent on the phone trying to get hold of the person at Charleston VA Community Care who was delaying payment for the mammogram finally paid off.
Literally and figuratively.
i thank You, God.

Here's the thing, though: I don't think I'll have a mammogram this year.
Not if they can't assure me I won't have that hassle again.
Then again, I just may be on Medicare... and how will that work?