It's Wednesday, after all, so that means WNS at Asbury!
Kathy and Preston Hodges sat with us, too, as well as Chris, the woman who lives in their neighborhood on Wilmington Island.
Very nice!
And just what did I get for my $7 this time?
Roast beast, with mushroom gravy on real mashed potatoes!
Oh, and there was coleslaw, too, and a dinner roll!
And that DIY salad bar, too!
But the dessert was the thing that brought back loving memories of Grandma.
Hummingbird Cake...
with its sweet frosting and coconut-tinged layers...
which, surprisingly, I seemed to be the only one at the table to recognize.
I'm willing to bet they'll remember it the next time they encounter that treat!
So, what's that all about?
Well, my resolution is to do something different every day this month.
Yesterday found me at Philo Cafe, with folks I hadn't seen yet this year, doing our discussion thing that I hadn't done in years.
That's what started me thinking about continuing that action for November.
And, to keep it fair and challenging, I can only count "going to Philo Cafe" once, even if I do that three more times this month.
In the same vein, the WNS tonight can only be counted as something different this once, even though I have two more upcoming.
I'm looking forward to more variety in my life and my social interactions!
I actually saw five movies for free, with two themes uniting three movies each.
Say what?!
Well, there were no new movies that weren't horror, so I stayed with the ones I'd already seen and liked, like these three.
Can you guess what unites them?
Let me give you a hint with their titles.
"Don't Worry Darling"
"Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile"
"Ticket To Paradise"
Don't think about the movies themselves... just their titles.
Got it?
Each has a repeated consonant!
D_D, LL_, and TT_.
Hey, I gotta keep it fun!
And AMC definitely kept it fun for me by bringing back two kids flicks as $5 Fan Favorites.
So, I already had "Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile", seen with Carolyn on Monday.
That's when the second theme for another trio popped into my head: treats for kids!
All I needed were two more such movies and I knew exactly which ones to see!
"The Bad Guys" was a must, as I dearly love its "good versus evil" story and this clever bit about stereotypes being misleading, as well as unfair to the wrongly maligned.
Take the Wolf, for instance.
He's the one in the Sheep's clothing, right?
But unlike the one in my favorite TV ad, Wolf truly wants to be adored, but that ain't gonna happen, see?
He's a Wolf, making him part of the "ones who are scary", not the "ones who are scared".
The same is true for his best friend, Snake, as well as for Shark, Piranha, and Tarantula.
Everyone who looks at them expect bad behavior, even when they're dressed in soft, pastel, costumes as a Unicorn or Walrus or Teddy bear or Ladybug.
I really love this movie!
And how did I get it for free?
I had $5 in Rewards in my AMC account and cashed those in.
Tomorrow, I'll do the same thing with another $5 Reward, so I can see "Minions: The Rise Of Gru" one more time on the silver screen.
Hey, ya gotta know how to work it, baby!
Oh, yeah!
1 comment:
Mr. Wolf is definitely in sheep's clothing in that movie, but the scene reminds me of the gift to Bonnie.
I saw a wolf in the face, but she told me that I was wrong.
I'd given her a sheep in wolf's clothing.
I do like her perspective!
I really need to go see her when the weather warms up.
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