Monday, November 7, 2022

laundry day!

Sure, sure.

That doesn't sound like a newsworthy event for most folks.

It is for me, though.

Remember, I wash clothes on a lunar cycle.

That means every 28 days, mostly.

So, this was the something different that I did today.

That laundry basket was full, too, when I brought it home.

In addition, I had several items on hangers.

Plus, this time, I had washed bedding, too, so I had two clean pillowcases full of dry sheets.

I tend to wait until both sets of sheets are used before I do that task.

That way, I only have to fold one set, as the other goes right back onto the bed.

Tonight, when I put that set on, I'm going to try something different with that, too.

I've bought a roll of dish foam, for insulating between the mattress cover and the mattress.

I've noticed that mattress gets very cold and, as it's latex foam, it holds onto that cold.

My hope is the layer of insulation will force more of the warmth from the electric mattress pad up to where I want it, instead of it trying in vain to heat the mattress below.

Colder nights are coming at the end of the week, so I hope this works!

Now, off to see the Tanya Tucker movie with Carolyn -

I've been summoned!


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