Wednesday, November 9, 2022

don't try this at home, kids

There are times when too many events are at the same o'clock, even now...
and I have mistakenly signed up for both.
Both were online, at different websites.
I had contacted Bonnie for one, as I had hoped we could attend 'together', her in Alabama and me in Savannah.
The other was an Infinity Reward concert with an interesting group, and I'd signed up without first checking with my secretary, i.e., the kitchen cabinet.
Yeah, big mistake.
Still, I thought I might be able to pull it off after all when I saw the first started 30 minutes before the second.
Silly me!
This was something different that need not be repeated in the future.

Starting at 8 PM was a 2021 documentary, courtesy of AARP's MFG.
It was primarily about the Colorado River and promised beautiful cinematography, which it certainly delivered.
I was right there, right on time, for "River", and was thrilled that Willem Dafoe had been tagged as narrator for his luscious voice.
Most excellent!
Was Bonnie online, too, for it?
She had forgotten, and then there was the confusion about her not being an AARP member. 
I tried to explain that the Movies For Grownups is open to EVERYONE, you just have to register there with your email address, just like at every other online site.

By that time, the concert was due to begin.
Okay, since Bonnie was not "there" for the movie, I'd just switch back and forth, right?
And, at first, that seemed to be okay. was hosting the 5 Seconds Of Summer event and they led off with a taped interview with their spokesperson.
After ten minutes, I realized the concert was a ways off.
Great! Talking heads time! No music yet!
Back I went to the movie.
More great cinematography was in store for me!
I kept flipping back to the other site to check for music -
nope, not yet! -
so I was able to watch almost twenty minutes.
That meant I was right there for the explosion of a dam!
BOOM! went the dynamite!
(Hey, that's an inside joke for Sam Johnson, as it's one of his favorite expressions.)
Post-explosion, the film went into man's inhumanity toward nature.
Time to check back and see if any music was forthcoming
for that concert event...
and there was!!!
First up was "Bad Omens", which was a big hit with the
rapidly typing fans in the chat box.
"Complete Mess" even had the live audience singing 
right along with the band.
I favored the latter, as the lyrics were pretty cool for 
a post-breakup song.
Then, for reasons unknown, Pandora went to another taped interview segment.
Back to the "River" I went.
I didn't have any trouble following its last ten minutes.
I've seen enough of these types of "warning: nature in danger" films over the last forty years to write one myself.
I made sure to leave my mark on that online event, as I always do.
"Reminds me of [a] recent article in Smithsonian Magazine, about the Glen Canyon Dam and life returning to the area since Lake Powell started drying up."
Event over, I bounced back to the concert, right in time for two more songs!
"Jet Black Heart" led off with some pounding beats and lots of fan appeal - yeah!
The next, and last, song was "Youngblood" which drove some of their fans into a frenzy!
Perhaps that was the one for which 5SOS won this award.
Apparently, they've hit the "One Billion Streams" mark on Pandora.
Good for them!
Then it was finally time for the Reward: 'The Awesome After Party"!
That was invitation-only... and I had been granted a passcode key for it!
Not so for the majority of their fans in chat, just there for the free concert and interview.
That's when I realized the concert had been taped, too.
But this part was well and truly live!
The boys in the band - bassist Calum on the top, singer and guitarist Luke on the left, and guitarist Michael with dog, Moose - were ZOOMing from their respective homes in Australia.
The drummer, Ashton, abstained, or may have had technical issues.
So did Michael, but at least he persevered!

They really could have used a moderator to help out.
They absolutely had no experience with filtering through the questions flying fast and furiously in their direction.
I asked, "Who were your favorite musicians for the instruments you each play?"
A fair question, yes?
It was never seen, even though I repeated it twice more.
What I did find out was Calum's favorite movie was "Inception" and Michael's was "Toy Story" - nice!
Their favorites of their own songs?
"Carousel" for Calum, "Caramel" for Michael, and "Youngblood" for Luke.
After about twenty minutes or so, they were done with the frustration of juggling the whirlwind of queries that sped by so quickly that it was impossible for them to even read them, much less pick one to answer.
I totally understood.
I was a bit frustrated with that, too, and I wasn't the one being questioned.
Plus, I'd been in front of a monitor for too long.
This had been my third online event of the day and I was d-o-n-e.
Still, I think I may check out those song favorites of the bandmates... but not tonight.
Time to get up and move around!

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