Friday, November 11, 2022

unexpected art show with breakfast

Well, that was certainly different!
For my Veterans' Day journey 
on this trip around around the sun, 
I wanted to do something different
go somewhere I don't usually go,
see people I don't run into often if at all.
That is, after all, my goal for this month.
to veterans and made a game plan.
Then I started my round of restaurant hopping 
way out southside, looking to work my way back 
toward my neck of the woods as the day progressed.
That would accomplish one of the 3 R's as it would 
reduce the amount of gas I would be using 
as I bopped hither and yon.
That's how I ended up at Perkins, way out at 204 and 95
a place not on my usual route to anywhere.
I have not been at a Perkins restaurant since 2013, 
on one of my Daytona trips, when I'd been to 
an overnight party in a nearby town.
And what was that at the end of the hall?
or some facsimile of the same...
coming to my emotional rescue???
Not that I was in need of such, silly rabbit!
Especially with this superhero standing right there,
waiting to start me up on this special day!
Or perhaps he's waiting for me to start him up?
That is a bicycle pedal in his chest, still attached to 
the flywheel and chain, with the other pedal on his back.
I guess I would have to sit on his head, straddling his
bristle-brush Mohawk and holding his speaker ears!
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
So, just what was the meaning of this art show at this 
most unlikely of places?
How had it come to be here?
Well, the desk clerk at The Savannah Hotel told me 
the owner made all the art from items reclaimed from 
the property during construction.
Say, hey!
There's another of the 3 R's: recycle!
Whaddaya know... this was a great start to my day!
Right place, right time.
And now, I need to move along!
I don't necessarily need to get out on the highway 
like that speedboat-riding knight, but I do need to venture 
back toward midtown after this little adventure.
That Magnificent Seven breakfast has left me with two 
pancakes that I intend to reuse - the last of the 3 R's! - 
as wraps for fried bologna.
Unlike spam, that meat lends itself well to curling!
I still have several slices of the thick-cut sausage, so it's 
good to have a different foodstuff to eat with it.
Anywho, I gotta boot scoot on my way!

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