Sunday, November 20, 2022

name dropping

That's Thomas Houston, dressed all in black,

with his lady love, Danielle, all in white.

I have to wonder if there's a joke there that I missed!

Here are two more couples, with men on the left and women on the right.

So, that's Jordan and Axelle in the foreground,

with newlyweds Jim Reed and Lauren in the back.

One more couple, at least of the folks I knew.

This is cool Trick Kelly and his long-time bride, Tara.

Oh, wait, Bill and Mary Ann Cooper were there, too!

But I seem to have no photo of them.

Then there was Roy Wood, with Trick as a photo bomber!

I haven't seen Roy in ages.

I usually ran into him at the Sentient Bean, but I haven't been there since the pandemic.

Plus, the Psychotronic Films have stopped, so there really is no reason to go.

Who else did I see there?

Odd Lot's Lynita Spivey and Monica McDermott of "parties at the A-frame" fame!

Those two go back to evenings of trivia at Sam Fink's Deli.

That's been a hot minute!

Genie Brazzeal Lawson, from my high school days, was there, hanging with the Coopers.

So was Sherry Moore, from the early days at Asbury Memorial.

Oh, yes, Chris Soucy, running a camera from the 200 block and the parade's start!

Bet he didn't know he got snapped!


Mark Rand also had film running - well, the digital equivalent of it these days - off to the side of their porch!

Such a sweetie to help set this up for his wife!

And just what was it that he and Shelley Smith had crafted that brought so many to show love to JinHi?

"A SURPRISE "Kick Cancer's Ass" Parade for JinHi!"

"As many of you know, JinHi is battling the monster that keeps rearing it's head in her life....cancer. Ever since she was quite young and losing her leg to this beast. And as many of you also know, she is a FIGHTER. She exudes a strength and grace while facing such a battle. She is a huge presence in the theatre community and Savannah in general, recently directing the comedy, musical "Rock-a-bye-Baby" just weeks before this battle began. And it's a battle. She is a warrior, and on November 21st she goes into another round with chemo. So, on November 20th, we want to bring a (shhhhhhhhh, it's a surprise), parade to her doorstep. To cheer her spirits going into this next round. Mark, her loving and dedicated husband of 22 years is on board. So, meet us down the street around 1:45 (we will march at 2pm), and we will walk one block to the front of her house, and Mark will make sure she is on the porch. Wear Pink!!! Or a costume. Or an outfit inspired by the many plays she has participated in. Bring a tambourine, or a horn, or a guitar, or a puppet. Ride a bike, or walk, or a unicycle. WHATEVER ! Bring cards if you like, or a piece of art. (no flowers please as her doctor advises against them at this time). Let's bring a CELEBRATION to her doorstep. BE CREATIVE. Spread the word, but please....KEEP IT A SECRET. WE want to SURPRISE HER !!!! Let's show JinHi we stand in support of her...and the fight we know she can win!"

I am so very grateful to have been invited to take part!

Now, for Flash, the Superhero Flamingo, to give her cheer on cloudy days...

he can do it!

He's had almost exactly seven years of practice with me.


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