Friday, November 11, 2022

if she could only see me now

Who am I talking about this time?
That 17-year-old girl that enlisted in the Navy in March of her senior year.
She would be stunned at the benefits that military veterans enjoy today.
Back in 1976, parades on Memorial Day, the 4th of July, and Veterans Day, as well as fireworks on the first two, were about the limit in the public eye.
She would be in disbelief that so many businesses would willingly give tribute, to both veterans and active military, in the form of free meals and discounts on merchandise.
I've gone for the food, as I usually do, but Melaness and her veteran husband went shopping today, for gas and clothing and household items.
What a long way we've come in less than fifty years!
That's roughly two generations, so, in the grand scheme of societal movement on a human scale, that's practically flying at warp speed.
How grateful I am to be in the midst of this change!
And how blessed I am that my 17-year-old self loved the ocean and loved to travel, making the US Navy the best way for me to have both.
How blessed I am to have my morning adventure in 
"North Jacksonville", with the fanciful - and heroic -
recycled art accompanying my breakfast!
How blessed am I to have a free future meal forthcoming
from Texas Roadhouse!
That was my second stop of the day.
As this was Friday and they are open for lunch, they
presented the vouchers from a table outside.
How nice of them to have a military presence!
And how nice of them to greet me, and my camera,
with such lovely smiles!
Thank you!
Another future meal waited my third stop.
Yes, I have it open so the contents can be admired - 
a Dixie Chick en croissant, with a side of grape salad, 
a luscious dill pickle, a tall 'glass' of lemonade, and 
even an iced cookie for dessert! - 
but those are not for consumption today.
The folks at Chicken Salad Chick allowed the meals 
to be eaten on site or taken out, in accordance 
with busy schedules.
I am blessed to have been given a choice there.
Thank you!
The fourth stop on my route had naught to do with Veterans Day.
"Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris" screened as the last event at GenOne, 
so I went to watch the film and to tell Laura farewell.
Thank you for good times there!
I look forward to the change to Community Center Adventures at the Salvation Army on Bee Road.
Hungry after that small box of popcorn, I then headed out to dine 
at the next place on my list.
That was Chili's, a usual stop for me on this day, where I eagerly 
anticipated slunch with one of their special Veterans Day offerings.
Their special menu had only four items, which was no surprise given 
these short-staffed times for most restaurants.
For whatever reason, I was already thinking of having a burger.
Anyone who knows me knows that burgers are usually not my choice.
Guess I was where, and when, I was supposed to be!
Right place, right time, with the Old-Timer's Burger and fries for me!
Half of that went home for dinner, too.
Thank you!
So, by o'dark o'clock, I was home again, with meals in hand.
Yeah! No night driving!
Oh, but there was still one more Veterans Day treat in store!
AARP was streaming a live virtual concert with Alan Jackson at 8 PM!
Gary Sinise gave the opening and closing remarks, with Alan taking the 
time to speak before the show.
He and the band gave us six songs in total, with the big screen 
behind them running the videos from some of the tunes.
I was grateful for the show, but especially to hear him playing "Don't Rock The Jukebox" from 1991, as well as "Chattahoochee" from two years later.
Memories of good times from that KIX 96 "and a half" concert where I saw him play here in Savannah!
Thank you!
Much gratitude to all for the gifts today!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Meant to post this song link, so here it is!

"If They Could See Me Now" (just changer the pronoun to "She")