Sunday, November 13, 2022

windows! California! shrimp!

Crazy stupid cold weather - 
like, down to the 40's at night - 
is due by week's end, so I felt inspired to cover windows.
The one in the kitchen offered no problems at all.
Wham, bam, done in 40 minutes!
40 minutes, start to finish!
Moreover, it was the best one yet, 
with nice taut film to allow a clear view of the back yard.
So, why not take on the pantry window, eh?
Why not, indeed, as Spike would say before doing something ill-advised.
Guess you'd have to have been a fan of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" for as long as i have to get that reference.
Trust me, it's pertinent.
First of all, to get to the window I first had to clear a path.
Take out the camp chairs I never use, move the leftover crown molding and shoemolding, roll out the 'hurricane' cooler on wheels, and then sweep the floor.
Bring in the stepladder, take down the blinds, wipe down the window panes and frame, and start applying the double-sided tape.
First problem: the bottom shelf is too wide to allow the tape a path to the windowsill.
Second problem: the paint on that shelf is too old and cracked to allow adhesion.
Third problem: the window screen outside is missing.
How long has that been gone?
So, as an extra layer of protection for the glass, I applied reflective film inside the window frame.
Then, I started with the insulating plastic, attaching to the outside edge of the frame, piecing together the corner by that bottom shelf.
Two and a half hours later, that was finally done.
Not willing to put the nasty blinds back up, I found a curtain in the hall closet and placed the curtain rod inside the brackets for the blinds.
So I took a break, sending photos of my work to San Francisco and Hinesville.
Paul texted back: "Chat?"
And so we did for the next two hours and two minutes!
Actually, he and I talked that first hour or so, about his upcoming birthday55 (tomorrow) and his new job at ChemTrade (with no long commute!) and his SARS and guard work.
I may be the only non-job related person that he can talk chemistry with - very nice!
Then Cathy took over the phone and we talked about her recent birthday62 (end of October) and the complications of her aunt's estate (dragging on for months now, lure of free money for other relatives) and grant reports and herding cats and spreading ashes.
Extra nice, as she and I don't usually get so much phone time!
What a wonderful something different for my day!
By the time we were done, it was already heading toward 5:30.
Should I head for the fundraiser at Wesley Oak? Would they have any extras?
I took a chance and went anyway... and got lucky!

my first niece: Looks good. I could eat 2 of those plates.
me: I ate all of one, then the shrimp from another. Then peeled the shrimp from two others and put them away.
her: LOL how many did you buy?
me: Also put away the other three corns, and put the other three plates of sausage and potatoes away.
me: Bought 4. Looking forward to leftovers!
her: Chris grilled a whole chicken. It was good.
me: Nice! The plates were just ten bucks each. Even got a free piece of sweet potato pie!

Now I have meals already cooked and ready to heat and eat!
That's just the way I like them!
And just what do I have here?
Perkins' pancakes, smeared with orange marmalade, topped with grilled bologna...
yum, yum!
Those open-faced sandwiches were quite a tasty breakfast!
A sliced apple gave me the crunch I always like, too.
Such a good day... and fruitful, too!

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