Thursday, July 11, 2024

bday party of 3 amigas!

What was the evening highlight for Barbara, the birthday girl?
Was it
A) dinner at a new restaurant?
B) an unexpected dessert?
C) seeing "Mamma Mia!" on the silver screen at the Lucas?
D) dancing to "Waterloo" during the end montage?
E) hanging out with two amigas?
Ah, so much of that was on the menu tonight... and this little joke, too!
Let's start with dinner, shall we?
That was at Toast! All Day, right there on Broughton Street.
We beat the dinner crowd, so we had Semaj, and most of the restaurant, to ourselves.
I had delicious toasted rye bread - yum!
Boo dined on the Meeting Street meal and Sandy chose the same as she had back in January.
And guess what?
We each ate every bite!!!
That calls for dessert, right?
Most def... and even more so for a birthday celebration!
No cake, but we did have ice cream!
Leopold's had something to tickle the taste buds of each of us.
Sandy had strawberry something, Boo selected the Pistachio and had it in a waffle cone, and me...
I've found a new path to follow there.
Yes, the vegan peanut butter chippy - with its cute name and coconut cream base - gave my mouth such a treat!
Plus, we had a vertical rainbow follow us there!
Then we three bopped over to the Lucas around the corner!
I'd bought the tickets on Sunday, so at least we didn't have to be concerned that the SCAD students would cause a sell-out.
However, we did need to hustle to seats before they snapped up all the good ones.
And lookie where we sat: the third row!!!
And, oh, how hard it was to stay seated for all those songs!!!
"Mamma Mia!" is a true musical, with all the lyrics written decades ago by the Swedish band -
how did ABBA know they could be used to tell a story???
Just marvelous!!!
And let me tell you this:
as soon as the story was done -
and Meryl, Christine, and Julie 
came onscreen with their jumpsuits 
and high-heeled boots, 
doing an encore of "Dancing Queen" -
I jumped up to dance and so did Barbara -
and so did most of the audience!!!
My, oh, my!!! 
And when Meryl asked if we wanted more,
we all shouted 'YES!!!"
and all stayed up dancing, 
throughout the theatre, 
for all of "Waterloo"!!!
Happy birthday, Barbara!

1 comment:

faustina said...

I cannot believe that Barbara is dead.
None of us had heard back from her since early in the week - not me, not Carolyn, not Sandy.
Very odd.
Last night, Carolyn went to Barbara's house and Kal's car was there, but not hers.
So I went to his house late this morning to see if her car was there at his place... and it was.
There were even clothes still hanging in the back seat.
And the house was very, very, quiet.
At noon.
Then Detective Noble showed up and informed me that both people in the house were dead.
Apparently, a "welfare check" had been performed Thursday morning.
None of us had a clue until today that she was dead.
Gunshot, so her name, and his, will find a place and an orange ribbon on the fence at Asbury Memorial Church.