Sunday, June 23, 2024

70 kids in one weekend!

"You must be pulling my leg. There's no way you were around that many children."

Actually, I was, and almost all at the same time. Certainly on the same day.

"Great googly moogly! You doing something at someone else's VBS?"

Nope, though there was one I ran across on fb that sounded cool. "The Great Science Lab" was the theme of that one, but I abstained. It may have been in Pooler.

"Then, how did you come to be around so many kids?"

A pure comedy of errors, really. Yesterday, I'd gone to the Spirit of Peace Lutheran Church to see the 3 PM performance of "We Are Monsters!" musical. That was being done by RHCommTh's summer camp. Only, the thing is, it wasn't. Mine was the only car there from 2:25 to 2:50 PM. Seriously. So I left.

"Wow. You drove all the way out there and no one was there?"

Yep. I had looked forward to that musical. The title intrigued me, you know?"

"Yes, I remember how moved you had been with "She Kills Monsters", so long ago. Somehow, I doubt this children's musical would have been akin to that SCAD play."

Those aren't the only monsters I like, but that's fodder for another horse.

"Hahahaha! That sounds so delightfully odd! But I catch your meaning. So, what did you do after bouncing out to Richmond Hill for naught?"

When I came back to Savannah, I got gas and stopped in at Aldi's for a pee break and cereal, then, I decided to go to Savannah Children's Theatre for their late matinee of "The Rainbow Fish Musical". How very fortunate for me that it was at 5 PM! Otherwise, I would have had to choose between the two musicals there this weekend, and that would have been a sad, sad situation. See, I had already decided that I would forego one of their shows for the RH one, knowing I could catch the fish on Sunday. You catch that pun?

"Yes, dear, tiny though it was. I thought of throwing it back..."

... Ha Ha Ha. As I was saying, I'd arrived at the SavChTh to find the lobby absolutely full of kids and parents and who knows who all! That's because the 3 PM of the other musical had just let out. Whew! I thought they were all there for the 5 PM show!

"So, that's how you came to be around seventy kids at one time?"

Not quite. "The Rainbow Fish Musical" only had thirty kids in it. I have no idea how many kids were in the lobby yesterday, but I know the other play had forty kids in it. So, including their siblings and friends, as well as the siblings and friends of the cast for the fish musical, there were probably at least a hundred kids in the building on Saturday afternoon!

"Wow. I bet you hadn't even brought a mask with you."

You're right, I had not. I had one in the car! Yeah, not that it helped. But that's okay, no one was coughing, so I felt safe. The Black Box was the set used for the little kids' musical, and I sat in the back, in an open space. What a fun play that was, too! As well as the titular character, there were four tiny lobsters, a huge octopus with five people operating the arms, a clownfish, a guppy, a sardine, a pufferfish, a herring, other fish species, and a barnacle - he was cute and only spoke gibberish!

"That sounds adorable!"

And I haven't even mentioned the starfish yet! Adesewa Abisogun was absolutely fabulous as the pun-loving creature who was famous for giving the "most amazingly disappointing hugs" even though she had five arms!!!

"Hahahaha! Do you remember any of the puns?"

Just this one: "I dolphinitly didn't do it on porpoise!" Isn't that fun??? There was one before it about something being "a fluke", which was also a dolphin's tail, but I don't recall how it went. And there was a really cute song that played during the intermission! Someone was singing about all taking a shower and then we hear: "Wait a minute! We're fish! We don't take showers!" - LOL! Then it launched into the refrain about "let's go swimming". Very cute!

"Well that sounds like it was lots of fun yesterday!"

It truly was, and "Matilda, The Musical Jr." was fun today, but this time with middle school kids. That means it had a a different set of jokes, some of which were a little harsh.

"Oh, really? Like what?"

Take this running gag: Matilda's father kept admonishing her for being a problematic boy, and she would correct him every time with "I'm a girl." Matilda, by the way, was played by Tenley Wright, who had been the middle-sized Alice in the play a couple of weeks ago. She was absolutely perfect in this role! And get this: I think she recognized me!!!

"No doubt. You had your usual front row seat, n'est-ce pas?"

I did today, but not two weeks ago. I was running late then and had to sit several rows back.

"Then I say good for her! She spotted someone who was really engaged and made sure to put some of her focus in your direction! You know how helpful it is to have someone like that in the audience. Your teaching days aren't that far back."

For sure. You know, May marked the 6th anniversary of my retirement.

"I know! I am so happy the pandemic is over and you have so much theatre going on!"

Me, too! Hallelujah!!!

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