Friday, June 21, 2024

well, if they won't do the yard...

I've known since the first of March that Georgia Power was coming to cut trees.
Yesterday, they came, but not to my yard.
Rather, they did come into my back yard, but merely as a staging site to cut the trees in the back of the vacant house next door (west of mine) as well as those in the yard of the neighbor in the rear (northwest of mine.
When I asked the foreman, he said mine was not on their list, so they couldn't do it.
However, he agreed the trees I had were too close to the power lines, and he went ahead and contacted his supervisor.
Meanwhile, I had noticed while I was talking to him what a horror show my back yard was.
The grass, having been watered regularly by Mother Nature, had taken full advantage of the situation.
Not that I had done anything about it then.
The day was far too hot still at 88 F.
So, I went to a movie to finish off the A*List.
That photo was taken upon my return, when the sun was mostly off the back yard.
That grass was waving in the little breeze!
This photo on the left is how it looks now that it's finished today.
That yard is so large that it really does take almost two complete battery charges for the Ryobi to get it all done.
This is a different angle to show off my handiwork.
No, not of the mowed yard!
Look at the shed.
Now, compare that to the first photo.
That's right, the shed door is clear of brush!
That pile of branches came from the wild cherry and lantana that had been blocking my path to the Ryobi.
Now, time for chips and salsa with brothers!

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