Tuesday, June 4, 2024

vbs, day 3: i'm a rabbi?

Yes, dearie, I certainly was.

Don't I look the part, with my hair tied - yes, I said "tied" - in long "curls" to either side of my face?

That worked pretty well, too, with the knots staying in place for the hour and 10 minutes needed.

That's 20 minutes of Bible Story Telling for each of three groups, with a five minute break for us between their visits.

Fortunately, I had dinner to grant me energy.

I needed that, as I had seven lines to deliver!!!

Even better, dinner was exactly what I had hoped for:

hotdog with sauerkraut and mustard, plus potato chips.

The rest of that on the plate was just gravy, so to speak.

That's what I told the kitchen helpers, too.

"Thanks, y'all, for reading my mind! I sure did want a hotdog for dinner, and here it was!"

(The photo only shows about half that crew.)

They sure appreciated my gratitude!


So, why did the story call for a rabbi in the house?

Joseph (Danny B) and Mary (Barbara G) had come to Jerusalem for a few days with their 12-year-old son, Jesus (Danny's nephew, Caleb Deffley), and managed to lose him.

Neither of the two other travelers (Alex and Linda) had seen him that day, though they did vouch for him being a good boy.

Nice, right?

And where was the tween when they found him?

In the synagogue, at the foot of the rabbi, listening to the story of Naomi and Ruth and Boaz, who was Naomi's son and Ruth's husband.

So, I guess it was Boaz that I played last night!

Wait, that's not right.

Boaz was Ruth's second husband, after Mahlon - that was me - died and Ruth accompanied Naomi to Bethlehem.

Yeah, I had to stop and look that up.

Neither of Naomi's sons, Mahlon and Chilion, nor her husband, were given names last night.

Just window dressing, that's what Danny and I were for 'Naomi'! (smile!)

I had to say farewell to Alex and Linda after our three shows were done tonight.

That's Alex heading out in the photo, going to the dressing room.

Both she and Linda have other engagements the rest of the week.

Nice to have gotten to know them a bit!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Line total: 8

Fire Focus: Trust God to share wisdom!