Thursday, June 6, 2024

vbs, day 5: revenge of Angel 2!

I have been looking forward to tonight for two days.
I like to read the script the day of the show to get into character, but on Tuesday, when I returned home, I read the scripts for Day 4 and Day 5, just to get ahead a little.
That's when I realized that I would be Angel 2 again for this last day of Bible Story Telling!
Technically, I was just 'Angel', as I was flying solo...
get that little heavenly pun?...
but I was the very same character I played on Day 1.
Ah, revenge!
Revenge on the Story Teller for saying we angels had no message to share!
Revenge on the Story Teller for making us continuously walk up and down stairs!
Revenge on the Story Teller for Wanda!!!
Oops, scratch that, wrong story, I had Michael Palin in my head.
My apologies.
There's no fish - angel or otherwise - in today's tale.
If there had been any fish in a story, it would have been for yesterday's tale.
Now, where was I?
Oh, yes - revenge on the Day 1 Story Teller!
Fortunately, that role tonight was again played by Gail, as it had been then.
So, here it is, the start of the story tonight, and I'm first at bat.
(Yes, wrong sport, but you get my drift... which could also fit yesterday's lake trip.)
She reads my entrance...
I speak my message to Philip, giving him travel directions:"At noon, take the desert road from Jerusalem to Gaza."
Then I turn to the Story Teller, aiming my next three lines at her.
"See there? Just like that. A messenger is supposed to have lines!"
Then I'm supposed to exit the stage, but logistics didn't allow that, so I stepped out of the way of the other characters.
I intended to dress just as I had for Day 1, using the same robe, the same boa "halo", the same pair of wings attached the same way, in the hope that it would jog the memory of the at least some of the older kids so they would be in on the joke.
I think a couple of them got it, maybe.
If I had worn my glasses, that might have helped them recognize my character from Day 1, but I didn't bring them.
After all, I only had the four lines at the top of the play, so I wouldn't be reading the script.
Ah, well... at least we all had fun with it!
That assessment would include the rest of the cast, too.
Philip was played by Danny B, of course.
Barbara G and Jan were two horses pulling a chariot on which an Ethiopian rode, returning to his home country.
But, wait, who is that guy???
Why, it's Hai!
He was a little stiff around me at first, but loosened up by the second round of our little play.
That was good.

By the third round of our play, we were all playing a bit fast and loose with our lines, having some fun for our final time on stage.
After the last of the 'campers' at Camp Firelight had exited, we all started the task of dismantling the boards where we had trod, transforming the 'desert road to Gaza' back into an empty room on the second floor of the office spaces of Asbury Memorial Church.
I lined up all the shirts I had worn, as well as the one for tomorrow.
Day 1 - red - the kickstarter reward for the SeeSAW Muralcle on Habersham
Day 2 - orange - the memento of the 12th Annual Gray's Reef Ocean Film Festival
Day 3 - yellow - the Savannah Bananas shirt from when they still played baseball
Day 4 - green - the Savannah Sand Gnats SAL Champion shirt of 2014
Day 5 - blue - the kickstarter reward for getting Oskar and Klaus' second book onto ISS
Day 6 - purple - one of my favorites from my 25 years of teaching
I'll wear that last one tomorrow as I watch the 'campers' sing and dance.
I'm really looking forward to that!
What a fitting end to this stint as a volunteer!

1 comment:

faustina said...

line total: 4

Fire Focus: Trust God to spark joy!