Sunday, June 30, 2024

dancing me out of the month!

I'm absolutely serious!

My first niece and her girls joined me this morning for an oldie from 1980, "The Land Before Time", at NCG Summer Camp.

She wasn't even born then!

I'm glad she insisted on us seeing this together, as I never had before.

Anyway, there I was dancing to the end credits with Chloe, as we do.

Then Miyah came up and wanted to dance with me! 

Surprised and delighted, I took her hands and we waltzed, with me twirling her every so often as Chloe danced circles around us!

I noticed the littlest girl kept glancing at her mom, so that should have clued me in: it was a set-up!

Nice to have these photos as souvenirs!

Afterward, we headed to my neighborhood, as the two girls wanted to play in the park.

I had thought we might wander over to my house, so they could run in the new spiral and the diagonal, but, nope!

With a heat index of +10, it felt like the air was over 100 F, so they were done in less than twenty minutes.

What to do then?

Well, as they were hungry, we went somewhere cool where they make pizza just the way I like it: Cici's!

The two little blondes stayed right there at the table with us, too, instead of racing off to the game room... and they ate, too!

What a nice change of pace!

I do look forward to our family holiday together next month!

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