Monday, June 24, 2024

minty fresh teeth!

Look how nice and clean they look!

Yeah, I don't really see a difference, either.

Thanks, Grandma, for impressing upon me the need to brush my teeth every day so they will last as long as I need them.

Mama had false upper teeth, but that was from a cyst in her palate when she was a teenager.

Other than that, her teeth were in excellent condition.

Daddy's teeth, on the other hand, were an example of how important regular brushing was, as he didn't do that; thus, he had full upper and lower dentures long before he was my age.

Hey, isn't this poster so cute? 

Juan, my hygienist, had it in his office.

It reminds me of one of my favorite 'mercials, the PSA about "Do you need a license to fish?"!

It's rather funny, with lines like "Is this your idea of fishing with friends?" with a trio of bears in a river.

This poster, with the "Do you utilize your teeth daily?", is definitely in that same punny vein!

I had expected to see Linh Bahn, as she took the dental X-rays last week.

Yes, I've finally relented and gone to the dentist, thanks to UHC nagging me.

I was quite surprised to find that I had not had my teeth cleaned since 2015... wow!

And that full set of X-rays that she took last Wednesday?

That was last done in 2011.

Nice to know it's all fully covered by my Medicare plan!

Even the two small fillings that will be done in August will be "free" for me.

Very nice!

So, what's up with the weather song?

"It's.. getting... so hot, I want to take my clothes off!"

Yes, yes, it's officially summer, as that equinox has come, though certainly not with the fanfare of viewing it at Stonehenge.

Nineties, nineties, and more nineties, all week long.

Ah, well, I'll find plenty of indoor activities to stay within range of a fan.

And what's up with that photo?

Ah, a little pun from last night, when "Up" was aired on ABC! 

Such a delightful movie that always brings to mind Deborah, down in Costa Rica now, living her Vida Pura ever since she retired.

As for me, I think I'd maybe like to spend a bit of time in Berk.

Having a pet dragon, and learning how to train it, would be great fun!

I do so love that movie, which I saw this morning as part of the NCG SCFF.

I may have to cool off with it again tomorrow!


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