Wednesday, June 5, 2024

vbs, day 4: i'm Disciple 3

What a change from Tuesday's tale!
This time, we were presenting an adult Jesus, 
with Danny Beam cast in the role.
Judy Wilburn joined Barbara G and me as the three stooges - 
I mean, disciples.
That's Judy in the brown over-garment.
Why did I say "three stooges"?
Because we were there for comic relief!
Disciple 1 (Judy) even told a joke!!!
"Why did the Disciples cross the lake?"
To which the other two Disciples, rather resignedly, 
chimed in, "To get to the other side."
We did a lot of that speaking in unison stuff.
We were accompanying Jesus in a boat 
across the Sea of Galilee, letting him catch a nap.
Then a fierce storm rattled our cages!
None of the kids bought our "We're terrified!" line.
None of them believed our "We're being tossed by the waves!"
And certainly not a single one believed us when we shouted "The boat is filling with water!"
The Pre-K and Kindergartners kept their derision to themselves, but not so for the older kids.
The 4th and 5th graders almost unanimously denied us when we said we were terrified.
At least only a couple of the 1st to 3rd graders said, "No, you're not" when we gave them that line.
Honestly, I played it lightly, as did Judy.
We knew we weren't getting a "Fool Us!" trophy for this show!
And who's that sitting by the campfire, serving as Story Teller?
Our erstwhile stage manager!
I'm so glad Gail took a break and gave that role to her!
Just one more night... then it'll be the kids' turn to entertain us!
Bwah ha ha!!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Line total: 14 *** 3 solo, 11 in chorus with D1 and D3

Fire Focus: Trust God to give us peace!