Sunday, June 16, 2024

two full minutes of screen time!!!

It's even better than I thought!
When I viewed the game video again, I discovered that our little quintet did even better than I'd thought with getting famous.
How so?
Well, we inadvertently photobombed Jesse Cole when he was giving kudos to the second Savannah team, the Party Animals, who had their last night of a home stand with us watching from the cheap seats.
The Savannah Party Animals were created in 2020 as opponents for the Savannah Bananas for the newly-created BananaBall games.
Even though the first BananaBall games were played in 2019, it wasn't until the BananaBall World Tours began that the need for another team who knew the rules became vital.
Enter the Party Animals - which, as happenstance goes, was one of the five possible names for the collegiate level team which was started in 2016.
There are now two other Savannah teams that play BananaBall, one of which - the Visitors - played in this home stand against the guys in pink and black.
The other team is called the Firefighters, but I don't know much about them.
Both of these new teams formed last year, to allow more games of BananaBall to be played in more venues for more fans, with sold-out crowds being the norm.
Wow, right?

Anyway, as I was saying, our front-row aluminum bleacher seats set us up in exactly the right spot to not only watch as Jesse got pranked by two of the Party Animals, but for at least one of our five to be in every frame from 1:39:00 to 1:41:00 of the video.
Never have I ever had that happen before, not even when sitting with Mister Willie!
Wait, yes I did, but that was for my birthday in 2019... what a blast that was!!!
Still, that was not with Christina Ann and her girls.
That's what made this so very special!
And they were in the game video at multiple times, too!!!

The first was at 1:04:00, when our section was background for the hair-whipping contest.
The next was at 1:13:50 for six full seconds of our section on screen.

For the sing-along with "Hey, Baby" at 1:15:48, there we were!
Me, my first niece, and her friend, standing tall and singing along!
Nice, right?
Our first big bout of screen time came during the Bananas Foster promo, with us serving as unintentional background for the spokeswoman from 1:18:55 to 1:19:15, then again from 1:19:33 to 1:19:50 - wow!
That was a whopping 37 seconds!

Plus, later on, when Pink's "Raise Your Glass" was played - it's apparently the theme song for the Party Animals - Christina and Kayleigh were both not only onscreen, but seemingly highlighted for the five-second segment from 2:02:02 to 2:02:07 - woohoo!
My party of five is even in the highlight reel after the game.
what a grand time we had!
Thanks, Party Animals, for documenting that for us!!!
Right place, right time!

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