Saturday, June 8, 2024

bananas in boston, boy-o!

"That's Fenway Park, the home of the Red Sox! Wow!!!"

Heard! Those Savannah boys have been playing their Banana Ball at major league stadiums on their 2024 World Tour.

"Look at all those people that turned up and turned out for all that!!"

Amazing, right? That stadium holds over 37,700 and it was sold out. SOLD OUT!!!

"Oh, man, Jesse Cole is making money hand over fist, isn't he?"

I'm sure he's doing quite well, but here's the thing: he's touring like a rock band. Know what I mean? Not only does he have to get all the Bananas there, but he also imports the Banana Pep Band, the field emcee from Daytona Beach, Mark "The Shark" Ediss for music, all the pitching and hitting and catching staff, the dancing umpire, the dancing first base coach, and who knows who all else.

"Plus, this time, the Savannah Party Animals were all transported to Massachusetts, too."

That's correct, as Boston didn't have a Challenger team.

"Just out of curiosity, why had you tuned in? You haven't done that for a while."

Well, they're all playing at one of the oldest "big leagues" park in the whole country. I was curious to see how much yellow the fans would be wearing. Let my tell you, there was a whole lotta sunshine in those stands!!!


Right? Plus, I wanted to refresh myself on the Banana Ball rules. Not that I don't miss those days of baseball with the team, but those have been gone since 2021. Ah, well, change is the way of the world, right? Back on track: I'll be going to see the boys at play at Grayson Stadium next Saturday. I exchanged four of my tickets for that Saturday, June 15, game, for which I already had one ticket. That gave me 5, for me, Tony, Laura, Noah, and the boy's girlfriend. A family day at the ball park! Yeah, only it didn't work out that way. Noah, 18 now, and his girl didn't come to Savannah for the summer, so I invited Smitty and Mary. Woohoo! It's been quite a while since me and my brothers were there together!

"Oh, that will be very nice! Definitely a little something different for y'all to enjoy!"

I'm really starting to get excited about it! Oh, by the way, the Savannah Bananas will be on hiatus, so our game will be with the Party Animals and whoever they can scare up to play against. Honestly, the renegade boys in pink and black are actually the better ball players. They really are. Several of them used to play for MLB teams, so their baseball skills are top-notch. In that photo, they're waving their pirate flag, having bested the Bananas 4 to 1 in front of that sold out crowd.

"Good for them! I do seem to recall you bragging on the boys in pink before."

Yeah, I think next Saturday will be a good time! I'll just have to remember ear plugs to keep the circus noise level in the stands from being a distraction from the baseball. Guess I'll bring extras for my brothers!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Silly me!
I didn't include the link to the youtube video of the game!