Friday, June 28, 2024

from high noon onward!

Yep, pardner, high noon, that's what I said and that's what I meant!
When else would I have gone to see this here movie for the first time?
That's right, I started this new A*List dance card of mine with Kevin Costner's western, "Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1".
Partly I went so I'd get them extra bonus points added onto my account at AMC.
Oh, yeah, those come in right handy!
But, mostly, I saw the movie so I could see him again.
Especially after hearing him talk last weekend on "CBS Sunday Morning" about this story that he's wanted to tell for three decades, I just had to see for myself what he went and spent $38 million of his own money to make.
Let me tell you what, he must have called up everybody he ever made a movie with and asked them to be part of this one.
And, bless Pete, they came!
Will Patton, my man Michael Rooker, Luke Wilson, Giovanni Ribisi, and Jeff Fahey were the ones I recognized right off the bat.
And you know, I had been concerned about that three-hour movie length, but I needn't have been - the time just flew by!
Yeah, I'll want to see it again 'fore the next one comes in August.
Afterward, I stopped in at that southside Publix.
They have my favorite hotdogs on sale as one of those buy-one, get-one deals, and I'm gonna stock up!
Given that they haven't had those Ballpark Turkey Franks for several months, and they're now $6.05 for a package of 8, I'm making sure I have some in the freezer.
I even bought buns and sauerkraut!
Sounds like a mighty good lunch for tomorrow, don't it?
I can hardly wait... my lips are smacking already!
As for tonight, I had these two crunchy tacos.
Just ground beef, just like we Smith kids used to have when we were growing up.
'Course, we didn't have that special cheese on those, we just had shredded Cheddar.
Jalapenos of Sandfly is real Mexican, so I get the right cheese on top.
Plus, I got to see my brothers at that S&K Friday Fiesta, and it's good to see family while they're still able to talk back atcha!
It was right good to chat with those two Kameron fellas, too, and all the regulars.
They had a little to say about the Presidential debate last night, but I didn't watch that stuff.
I knew I'd hear all about it from this bunch, as well as everyone and their pet dog on fb.
That's why I'm leaving the TV off for a while.
That AARP MFG has a movie coming on - "Miss Sharon Jones!" - that looks like it might be purty entertaining for a Friday night.
They're calling it a musical, but I'm sure that it'll be more like a documentary with a bit of concert footage of Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings.
You know, they were here a while back for the Savannah Music Festival, but I was always off volunteering somewhere else.
Gotta go now, y'all, it's about to start.

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