Monday, June 3, 2024

vbs, day 2: i'm Naomi's son!

I pulled my hair back into a low ponytail, making sure to part the top in boy-style.
Know what I mean?
I don't know that any of the "campers" believed I was a guy, though.
Every since I put my hair in that style this morning, the words of one of the other Cryptologic Technicians, Maintenance, kept telling me, "No one would ever look at your face and think that you're a man."
My hair was super-short at the time and I'd asked if I looked "butch".
Nice to know my features are too girly for that!
I didn't have a costume or even lines tonight, so Gail had told me I didn't have to come.
Miss a night of VBS at Asbury Memorial?
That meant I would miss dinner with the "campers", and tonight it was barbeque!

Danny came, too, though he didn't have lines, either.
We both died early in the story, just there to serve as Naomi's son and husband until the good part of the story got going.
That happened fairly early on, with Naomi (played by Alex Swanger) being comforted after their deaths.
Her two daughters-in-law, Orpah (played by Linda) and Ruth (played by Judy Wilburn), both widowed like her, told her that she was their family and they would stay with her.
That tied in with tonight's lesson on family composition being a flexible thing that even allowed people who weren't related by blood to form a "family".
That makes perfect sense: almost all parents are people who are not blood-kin, right?
I wonder what they would think if I brought that up?

1 comment:

faustina said...

Line total: 0

Fire Focus: Trust God to lead the way!