Friday, June 7, 2024

trust and vbs

My odometer verified I was at the right place at the right time.
I had not yet been able to pick up my notarized Living Trust at SmithBarid, due to so many engagements this week, so my intent was to retrieve it this afternoon.
I remembered at 11:35 AM that they closed at noon on Fridays!
Into the car I popped, hoping for light traffic!
I arrived at their office with seven minutes to spare.
And when I returned to my Saturn, the mileage caught my eye.
* * * 2_3_5_0_0_0 ***
Yes, right place, right time.
i thank You, God.
Most excellent, and a relief, to have that task done!
Next up was Big-D "Bad Boys: Ride Or Die" with mi amiga, Barbara!
What a good action flick, with 55-year-old Will Smith and 59-year-old Martin Lawrence still teamed up and chasing bad guys!
But what made it an excellent movie was having these two men dealing with real issues of aging, like stents in the heart and panic attacks.
Afterward, she and I went to Jason's Deli for my birthday reward.
That was my choice of dessert... so I gave her the strawberry shortcake she loves.
That's almost a $5 treat!
I had the Alamo wrap, so I'd get my chips and salsa mental date stamp.
That's the only way I can be sure it's Friday!
Right place, right time again!
I wouldn't be with my brothers today, either.
Last week, the Smiths & Kamerons Friday Fiesta was canceled, as the K family was in Orlando.
This week, I have my last stand with VBS.
No, no role, so no lines, much like on Monday.
However, I wanted one more meal with those kids and the other volunteers...
especially as I knew we were getting pizza!!!
I even brought Lactaid so I could munch out on a slice of Hawaiian, and another with pepperoni.
Right place, right time!
Then it was time to watch the kids, all 32 of them, as they rehearsed.
They didn't just have lines -
they had songs with dances!!!
Hooray, it's a musical!!!
I do so love those!!!
Right place, right time!
Ray Ellis even involved the audience, giving us 'holler back' roles, complete with lively arm motions to match those of the children.
What fabulous fun!
Nice to be a 'hollaback girl' with Barbara G, and Kay D, and new member Robin, from California!
Then a little break for the arrival of parents and friends, followed by the real performance of the "Trust God" musical by all those energetic campers there at Asbury Memorial!
We had our roles, too, in the audience!
That sure worked up an appetite!
What a sweet treat to have an Ice Cream Social to end our time with Camp Firelight!
I'm glad I had one more Lactaid with me...
oh, yeah!
Right place, right time!
Now, to pull up the last of the spiderwort in the front yard.
What a good day this has been!


faustina said...

In just about 9 years, my little Saturn and I have been 70,000 miles.
Had I not written about it, I wouldn't have a clue.

faustina said...

Over the last 2 1/2 years, I've traveled 15,000 miles.
That's less than 7,000 per year.
Yeah, I really need to get out more, and to new places.