Saturday, June 8, 2024

two spirals for little blondes!

Due to rain watering the lawn every few days, the grass has become ridiculously long.

It's only been two weeks since the last mowing.

No more.

Late this afternoon, me and the Ryobi took charge, leaving our mark.

Wait, that should read "marks", plural, as we made two of them.

They're right in front of the house, too, for all to see.

 Oh, yeah!

The Japanese magnolia got a spiral, as usual, but with a major difference: this one takes up most of that side of the front yard.

The little blondes are going to love that!

I liked it so much that I decided the stump needed a spiral of its own.

However, I had started mowing on that side first, then gone over to the tree's side.

By the time I had my brainstorm and returned to the stump's side, I didn't have enough unmowed area to do a proper spiral.

At least it has a design!

I wonder how the great-nieces will like it?

Time for a popsicle!


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