Tuesday, June 4, 2024

dawn with route 66 luncheon

"You were on the road? 

How could that be? 

You have VBS tonight, don't you?"

You know it!

I will even have lines this time.

But first, how about some food?

Specifically, let's have free birthday food!!!

"Most definitely! 

And who was granting you that?"

Dawn and Houlihan's!

She had no idea they had a loyalty program with that fabulous perquisite, so now she does.

We may well return next month for her birthday!

"Very nice of you to spread the joy with her!

Do I see seafood in that pasta?"

You most certainly do!

That's Sedona Shrimp Pasta, and it was spicy!!!

As it turned out, it was also absolutely perfect for my Route 66 birthday.

That town in Arizona is just a little sidetrip from the famous highway.

I just may have to travel that someday!

"What an incredible coincidence!

Is that why you ordered that dish?"

Actually, I had no idea until I googled it just now.

The Universe was just looking out for me!

Right place, right time!

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