Sunday, June 9, 2024

i'm a movie star at asbury memorial!!!

I am, I am, I am!!!

For three of the five days that I was acting in Bible stories, I was caught on film!

How do I know?

Because today was VBS Sunday, and after the song and dance routines of the kids, we were treated to a video of candid shots of them during last week... and I was up there on the silver screen right along with them!

That first view was about two minutes into the VBS movie, and it contains all five of us from Day 5, when I was Angel 2 again. 


Then, about another minute in was a shot from Day 2... and I was in the frame!!!

How 'bout that???

Even though I had not a single line, me traipsing along behind "Naomi" as her "son" was enough to get me more screen time.

Maybe I should have worn a Bible-era jacket over my Gray's Reef t-shirt, but that'll be something to keep in mind for next year.

One more extended session showed up in another minute, this time from Day 4.

The person behind the camera had recorded video for several seconds of we three Disciples being tossed on the Sea of Galilee as Jesus slept through the storm.

That was awesome!!!

If only there was sound of us yelling about "being tossed to and fro by the wind!"

I bet the audience in the church would have cracked up!

Of course, I didn't get those images until I got home and checked the recording of today's service, and it was a thrill to watch the short movie again!

Not that I watched the whole recording of the service... nope!

All I wanted was between time stamps 48:00 and 53.30, and I watched it several times!

I guess I'll watch Rev. Billy's sermon sometime, as I missed it.

Glad I was able to help him out before the kids' show today.

He wasn't sure what Nick Deffley's character was named.

I knew it... Counselor Sam.

That's hardly a name I'd ever forget, especially as his birthday will be Friday.

Perhaps Blaxstone sent the dragonfly to perch on my car antenna this morning.

I had been in a rush, but when I saw its reflection on my dash, I knew I didn't want to disturb the beast before I caught a shot.

It stayed right there for three minutes, moving around to give me a variety of poses.

Very nice... and I was calm and serene when I drove off to church.


1 comment:

faustina said...

FYI: On the video of the church service, the VBS Movie begins at time stamp 48:16.
My first appearance is at 49:06, as Angel of Day 5.
My second appearance is at 50:07, as Naomi's son of Day 2.
My third and final appearance is at 51:54, as Disciple 3, the oarsman, on Day4.
That last is a doozy, with a second or two of action!