Friday, July 12, 2024

not a musical, but lots of songs!

"And oh what heights we'll hit!
On with the show, this is it!"
That's what the entire cast of about 40 middle-school kids led off with, onstage and dancing to the song I think of as the theme for "The Bugs Bunny Show".
I hear "This Is It" every Saturday morning, so I welcomed its presence as no coincidence.
Right place, right time!
I was in the front row, having flown from southside and barely making it!
Where was I?
At the Savannah Children's Theatre for the opening night of "Bravo Broadway"!
This made the fourth Summer Camp performance I've seen this year.
Honestly, I'd say that qualifies as an entry to complete my Bingo card, right?
So, that covered the upper right square: "Participate in a SavChTh Summer Camp".
Being a four-time audience member with great enthusiasm surely counts as participation!
I already have the AsbMemCh VBS to thank for the completion of two squares, starting with that lower left, "Read a Comedic Script", and moving on up diagonally to "Read a Dramatic Script".
For "Watch a play or musical at home", that happened on June 8th, between mowing the yard and virtually attending the Banana Ball game.
And that middle square, that required me to "Listen to a musical you haven't listened to before", that would have been a week later for the concert version of Ryan McCurdy's "Niagara".
Diagonal completed from lower left to upper right!
Yeah for me!!!
I also filled in "See a show out of town" (that was in Rincon) and "See SCT's the Little Mermaid", both back in May as part of my bday66 thrill ride.
Nice to have had a couple of extras, just in case.
Now, on to something else!

1 comment:

faustina said...

I didn't mention any of the other songs, did I?
Tsk, tsk.

First half of the musical revue:
This Is It
Moses Supposes
Singing In The Rain
Easy Street (Annie)
Dancing Queen (hooray!!!)

Second half:
Step In Time (Mary Poppins)
No Business Like Show Business
Cheek To Cheek
Someone To Watch Over Me
Out There (Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Seasons of Love (Rent)