Friday, July 5, 2024

friday that felt like a monday

Hopefully, this will be the final out-of-sequence day, right?
I think the primary reason this felt like a Monday was because yesterday was such a Sunday.
The appointment at the Savannah VA Center - just a blood draw and urine sample for next week's visit with my PCP - did nothing to dissuade me of that notion.
Well, bah, I say!
This is Friday, and I was determined to make it "feel" that way!
So, right after the needle stick, I bounced next door to the AMC and started off my A*List with a matinee, as I usually do on Friday.
Seeing Alexis there helped to make that verification of week day.
What movie, you ask?
"Despicable Me 4"!!!
What a hilarious movie!!!
I wasn't the only one laughing out loud, I tell you!
Then I went to run some errands, as I usually do on Fridays.
I succeeded in purchasing a ticket for a musical tomorrow night, but not for the kid movie at the Lucas on Sunday.
No worries!
And at 5 PM... off to Jalapenos of Sandfly for the S&K Friday Fiesta!!!
It even tells you in the name which day of the week it is!
And Smitty had ribs for me!
Then I again attacked the back yard with my trusty Ryobi.

It's barely been two weeks, but the grass is crazy already!
I had noticed that sad situation yesterday when I'd trimmed the scrub oak around the bird bath and pulled sticker vines off the back of the house.
Next month, I'm supposed to find out if I'm getting a lower house insurance rate, and I wanted to make sure their drone saw walls clean of vegetation.

They don't seem to care about the lawn, but I took care of it anyway, mowing until the battery was exhausted.
Me, too.
But it does look better... right?
(That's an inside joke with the ex!) 
Now to sit in the cool of the house and watch more of "The Closer".
I found out last weekend that Peacock had the TV series with Kyra Sedgewick.
Odd, I don't remember how grisly some of these episodes were...
but I like the interactions between her and the men in the office.
I'm so glad to have these, now that political 'mercials are on air again.
What a relief to have choices!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

thursday that felt like a sunday

So, yesterday had jumped two days ahead, somehow.
Today was even more out of sequence.
No mail, so that meant it must be Sunday... right?
But what happened to my Bugs Bunny on Saturday?
Was I supposed to be at church this morning?
What is going on???
I understand that I'm retired and that "every day is Saturday", as my stepdad said, but I still usually do very well at keeping up with the seven days of the week.
Nope, not this week!
Somehow, celebrating Independence Day on a Thursday just wasn't natural.

What to do to take advantage of this extra "weekend" day?
How about contact friends and family and let them know they're on my mind?
Yes, by cricket, that's a fine idea!
So I texted greetings out into the world of ether... and received greetings back for me!
My brother Smitty called me back to say he was cooking ribs and would bring me some!
My brother Tony texted to say they were at the pool and invited me along!
Cathy Mac texted back to invite me to her "farewell, for real" luncheon next week!
Jeff texted with news that they'd been sailing with a friend this morning!
Bonnie, my "stepmom", and I had a lovely textversation about the ribs in her crock pot and my Florida plans!
Cousin Penny sent more photos of her brand-new granddaughter - her first! - as well as one of her and Aunt Linda at a gathering later!
My favorite Rogue, Joe Guy, had a lovely chat via text that let me know that although he had to work today, he had fireworks plans for later!
Stepsister Jean inquired about my health and advised me to be sure to stay hydrated, as that can set off an A-fib attack - good to know!
Cathy in Cali called and we talked for over an hour, just me and her! She had missed out on my chat with Paul and wanted to have her turn with me!!!
Plus, I heard back from all mi amigas, not just the tres: Yvonne, Dawn, Sherry, Robin, Josie, Melaness, Lynn, Barbara, Sandy, and Carolyn!
I also had replies from nieces and nephews: Christina, Christy, Michael, Zach, and Hope!
The bfe even responded, as did stepsister Susan!
What a lovely way to spend the hottest part of the day!
Plus, I watched "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax", from 2012, when Taylor Swift was just 21.
What does her age have to do with that animated, ecology-minded, film?

She gave voice to the teen-girl love interest of 'Ted", who was so enamored of her that when she told him she would "marry the man who brought her a real tree", he set out on his bicycle to do that very thing!
I can certainly understand her stance.
If I was surrounded by plastic trees that had balloons instead of leaves, I would yearn for the sweet beauty of a real tree, for sure.

Thanks, Peacock, for giving me that AMC Summer Camp film for free!
And thank You, God, for friends and family that love me!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

wednesday that felt like a friday

If not for the pile by the curb getting picked up, I could have sworn today was Friday.
I even almost went to Jalapenos of Sandfly at 5 PM!
But I refrained.
I kept thinking I would go to a movie earlier today, but I did not.
Finally, I saw that "MaXXXine" had an advance screening at 7 PM, so I tried to get mi amigas to come along.
Carolyn was the only one to do so.
She's definitely the more adventurous of the trio.
We both sat in the front row, with a couple behind us who who very hip on that story.
That turned out to be a boon, as we chatted with them afterward about the titular character.
I knew what we saw tonight was the third part of a trilogy, but I was unsure where "Pearl" fit in.
That one, in reality, was the first in the screenplay trilogy, but that movie premiered second, as a prequel, hence the confusion.
"Pearl", as you may recall, was set around 1918 and followed the story of a young woman who wants to be famous to the whole world...
and sets about killing all who would deny her that goal.
"X" was the first movie, one I missed, but it follows that young woman as she became a star in the porn movie industry.
So that was actually the second part of the trilogy.
"MaXXXine" continues the tale, now in 1985 and with another twist: Maxine Minx wants to be a real movie star, not just known to the porn watchers.
So, her agent gets her a role in a horror movie and she was fine with that.
After all, that's how Jamie Lee Curtis got her start!
The only snag is: young women are getting killed by some crazed person, and they're all women that Maxine knows.
It really was a good thriller!
And afterward, Carolyn and I popped down to Carey the H on Abercorn for a late nosh...
and a two-hour catch-up session!
That was very nice!
To get to share a leisurely meal with a friend, as I did with Sandy yesterday and with Carolyn today, is something I've very much been missing.
I'm looking forward to Barbara's birthday next week, as the four us will be going to an early dinner and a musical movie!
Plus, I've gotten in touch with Lynn down in Kissimmee to let her know I'll be down there soon, and she's quite excited to see me, too!
That will all do me good, it will.
Trying to determine whether I'm selling the house or going broke trying to keep it insured has been weighing heavily on me, it has.
One thing for sure: I need to have more of these get togethers.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

just add 6 for the heat index...

Trust me, that means it's cooled off, ever so slightly.

Just ignore the rain symbol, as it's been wrong for the last few days.

Wait, I take that back - the rain comes very late at night, when most are asleep.

I hear it, though.

That's why the humidity has made the air nearly intolerable to breathe in the daytime.

Even so, I ventured out with mi amiga, Sandy for a luncheon!

We went to Chili's and talked for almost two hours - very nice!

We both went home with food for dinner, too.

That's a nice bonus!

That gave me something cool to eat after my workout in the front yard.

No need for the Purple Planet when I have the Ryobi to push around, yet again.

That wasn't today, though.

I worked on the front yard Saturday and Sunday.

Yes, that grass was already so thick that the mower battery ran out of juice before I was done on the first try, so I had to finish the next day... and ran that battery dry that time, too!

Today's efforts, though, ended with that big bag and little pile down by the curb.

Now, I'm going to have po' girl ceviche along with those leftover chips from Chili's while I wait for "The Quiz With Balls".

Nice to know I'll still have leftover Cajun Shrimp Pasta for tomorrow!

I'll most likely have it chilled.
